Entering RFP's |
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Click on the “Enter RFP’s”
This is an extremely powerful screen. It allows the user to track the progress of a CRN precisely and can view the data in many different ways to determine its exact position in the process. Remember, the panel at the top of the screen has short cut icons for user convenience. A hint will appear when the cursor is positioned over them. They are:
Grid Title Buttons
The RFP's are displayed in a grid. The display sequence can be changed by clicking on the Title at the top of a column. In the example below, the display is in User Reference sequence and you will note that the Title is light green to indicate this is the column controlling the sequence.
Search and Search Filter
Search allows users to find a record quickly by entering all or part of its controlling column value. The Filtered Search restricts the summary display to only show those records that satisfy the search criteria, i.e. all records with a reference starting with a particular order number.
Navigator Buttons
On the top right of the screen there are several short cut buttons to take the user to the first, next, last or previous records.
Matters Pending
The above example shows only an RFP that is waiting on a reply from AQIS. As previously mentioned, the summary display can be sorted on any column sequence. There is a difference. If the "Send Queue" column is chosen, only those records that are waiting to be sent will be displayed. The "Wait Reply" will only show those that have been sent but no reply has yet been received. The "Recd Reply" shows those for which a reply has been received and the corresponding message has not been read. To read the message text click on the "Yes" in this column. Once read, the "Yes" will be turned off but you can still display the message by clicking on the blank "Recd Reply" column for the required record or via the Messages folder within the data entry screens. Only the last message received will be kept removing the need for the user to delete error messages.
Add a new RFP Click on the
Select the appropriate Commodity and press Tab or Enter. The following RFP Details screen will then display.
This detail data entry screen will be displayed when either editing or PRA a new RFP. The nature of the data requires each record to have one Header record and the possibility of multiple Line Items. The fields have been “folderised”. Each folder contains groups of related information. Progress through the folders and enter the required data. Press the TAB key or use the mouse to move to subsequent fields. Although it is possible to enter the information in any sequence, it is logical to complete the header information first and then click on the line items folder and progress through them one at a time.
Start by entering a User Reference. This User Reference must be unique. If an attempt is made to use a User Reference that has been used before, the Customs EXIT system will reject the RFP. Therefore EdiSoft does a quick check for you to prevent obvious errors. This check does not include RFP’s that have been archived.
Now press the Tab key (on the keyboard) and the cursor will move to the next control.
In this case Exporter. Key the first few characters of the Exporter Name and a drop down menu will appear. Key sufficient characters for the required Exporter to be highlighted (or use the arrow key on the keyboard). When the Exporter is highlighted, press the Tab key. If the Exporter you require is not in the drop down list you can add an Exporter by clicking on the “New Exporter” button.
Hint when using lookup controls. You can click on the small arrow to cause the list to drop down and then find the required record by keying in the first few characters of the name or description. If the cursor is in the field already then just key in the first few characters and the list will drop down automatically.
Now enter the Consignee
In the same manner, and fill in the remaining fields in the Header Details folder, pressing the Tab key to move to the next one. If you do not know what to put into a field you should ring the EXDOC Help Desk. If you know what the data is and what it is used for but cannot find the appropriate field, ring the EdiSoft Help Desk. This “separation of knowledge” is so that you can go to the correct source first but in most cases, either Help Desk will try to give you an answer. There is some overlap. Note that it is not always necessary to fill in all the fields.
When the cursor is on the last field in the Header Details and you press the Tab key to move to the next field, the Line Items folder will become visible.
See Forwarding & Transferring RFP’s for more information on this subject.
To add a new Line Item, press the
Hint regarding New Line Items. There are two ways to create a new Line Item. The single
See Adding Containers for more information on this subject. The same principles apply if you need to add Process Times.
See Finding an AHECC Code for more detail on entering the code.
When you have entered all the details then click on the
When you become more proficient, you will use the
When a new RFP has been entered and Queued, its Status will be one of the following:
Where a RFP is being queued for an amendment, the status will not change until the reply is received from AQIS.
See Forwarding and Transferring RFP's or the next step. |