Sending and Receiving CRN's

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If a CRN needs to be Queued for transmission (without actually opening the CRN Details Screen) then simply click in the "Send Queue" column beside the CRN you wish to send.  A validation will be done and  "Yes" put in the column.  (To de-queue a record, click on the  "Yes"  and it will return to a blank).  Any number of records can be queued and sent in the one transmission.


Click on the clip0051 button and EdiSoft will automatically Encode and Sign your messageand send it to the Customs ICS using Internet mail.  On successful transmission the CRN will go to “Wait Reply”.  This means that you are waiting on an answer from the Customs ICS.  You cannot make changes while a CRN is in this state.  Wait 5 to 10 minutes (longer in peak times) and click on the clip0051 button again to get your answer.  Any further messages that have been queued to go will also be sent at this time.  EdiSoft will work out whether to do a Send / Receive or Receive Only transmission.


Sometimes you will notice a tick clip0071 appear in the column to the right of “Wait Reply”.  This indicates that an acknowledgment has been received from Customs (you have received a CONTRL message) and message was accepted and you will receive a response from ICS.  If an clip0072  appears in this column the message has fundamental errors, it has been rejected and will not be processed by ICS.  You will need to fix the problem and try again.


When replies are received the “Yes” will move to the “Recd Reply” column.  Click on the “Yes” to view the messages and clear the “Recd Reply”.  Make sure you clear the “Recd Reply” so that you can tell when new replies come back.  These messages can also be viewed in the Messages folder in the CRN Details screen.


If your CRN comes back clip0073 then you will need to edit the CRN, fix the errors and re-send the CRN.


CRNs without errors will come back clip0074.


NB: The status of CRNs will not change until a change of status is received from Customs.