Update History
EdiSoft v4
Changes to version 4.2.1
- Performance tweaks
Changes to version 4.1.9
- Codeset update
- Resolved bug with not being able to remove container numbers when amending
Changes to version 4.1.8
- Addition of CN codesets to the system
Changes to version 4.1.7
- Attachment fields added
Changes to version 4.1.6
- Updated field permissions
Changes to version 4.1.4
- Workaround implemented for NEXDOC line issues
- Modifications to AHECC Code Entry
- Bug fixes
- Reduction of notification messages
EdiSoft v3
Changes to version 3.97
- Update to the latest Code Sets - Treatment Types
Changes to version 3.96
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.95
- Errata 53 Release
Changes to version 3.94
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.92
- OAUTH Support (Microsoft 365 and GMail)
Changes to version 3.91
- Update email address for use with EXDOC's new test amazon email address.
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.90
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.89
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.88
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.87
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.86
- Update to the latest Code Sets
- EDN / Customs email address change
Changes to version 3.84
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.83
- Update to the latest Code Sets
Changes to version 3.82
- Update to the latest Code Set and new process type for Skin RFP's.
Changes to version 3.81
- Updates to comply with DAFF EXDOC Errata 46 (Introduction of Declaration of Compliance Indicator to Horticulture and Grain)
Changes to version 3.80
- Updates to comply with DAFF EXDOC Errata 45 (Import Recommendation details, and AMLC Quota Year fields added)
Changes to version 3.79
- EDN / Custom certificate & Address changes
- PRA Verified Gross Mass (VGM) Functionality
Changes to version 3.78
- EXDOC Errata 42 & Multiple source states, imported product flag for fish, custom line weight for horticulture
Changes to version 3.77
- EXDOC Errata 41 & Email Address Changes
Changes to version 3.76
- EXDOC AHECC Codeset Update
Changes to version 3.75
- Includes new Customs ICS Digital Certificate
Changes to version 3.74
- Updated DAFF EXDOC codesets to latest as of 5/5/2015
Changes to version 3.73
- Updates to comply with DAFF EXDOC Errata 40
Changes to version 3.72
- Updates to comply with DAFF EXDOC Errata 39
Changes to version 3.71
- Updates to comply with DAFF EXDOC Errata 38
Changes to Version 3.70
- Changes are for EXDOC ERRATA 37 and updated CODECS
Changes to Version 3.69
- Additional functions to handle recent changes in message formats seen by various users
Changes to Version 3.68
- Updated Customs ICS Digital Certificate
Changes to Version 3.66
- DAFF Errata 36 - Modifications to permissions at different status.
Changes to Version 3.65
- DAFF Errata 35 - Addition of Customs Weigh Unit fields for Diary & Grain
Changes to Version 3.64
- DAFF Errata 34 - Modifications to Temperature Labels | Added Validation Prompts
Changes to Version 3.63
- DAFF Errata 33
Changes to Version 3.62
- Updated EXDOC Codes
- Updated Customs ICS Digital Certicate
Changes to Version 3.61
- Changes to suit Eratta 32
Changes in Version 3.60
- Changes to suit Eratta 31
Changes in Version 3.59
- Changes Include Latest DAFF Product Codes and Back-End Enhancements
Changes in Version 3.58
- Updated EdiSoft to meet DAFF Errata #30 Specifications
Changes in Version 3.57
- Updated EdiSoft to meet DAFF Errata #29 Specifications
Changes in Version 3.56
- Updated EdiSoft to meet DAFF Errata #28 Specifications
Changes in Version 3.55
- Update to EXDOC to allow for imperial weights on inedible meat
Changes in Version 3.54
- Customs Digital Certificate and other Customs Compliancy Changes
- Additional Maintenance Modules
Chnges in Version 3.53
- Complies with EXDOC eratta 26 to meet DAFF Requirements.
- These changes include two new Commodities (Inedible Meat and Eggs), with the addition of two new fields (Place of Destination and Responsible Person).
- X-400 has now also been removed from Edisoft and will no longer be supported.
Changes in Version 3.52
- Complies with EXDOC eratta 25 to meet DAFF Requirements. (Allows 280 characters in the Treatment field, and provides for a Consignee phone number).
Changes in Version 3.51
- Update to meet DAFF ERATTA 24 requirements for 01/07/2007. (Required update for Fish and Diary)
Changes in Version 3.50
- Errata 23 for EXDOC has been implemented. This contains changesthat allow 50 characters in the Consignee Name (....for some Commodities - check with DAFF). The
- Letter of Credit Text will now allow carriage returns within the field for Grain, Horticulture, Skins & Hides and Wool. The Package Unit Weight now allows 3 decimal places.
Changes in Version 3.49
- Errata 22 for EXDOC has been implemented. Contains a new field Declaring Agent Number for the Consignee. Dairy RFPs have two new fields, Declaration of Compliance Indicator and Imported Product Flag. Meat RFPs now have Extra Certificate capability.
- Customs Business Contingency Plan (BCP) function has been implemented.
- More aggressive processing during the Integrity Check.
Changes in Version 3.48
- Errata 21 for EXDOC has been implemented. This increases the field size for Additional Product Description on Line Items and also adds fields that can be changed at COMP or Horticulture RFPs.
Changes in Version 3.47
- Errata 20 for EXDOC has been implemented. This adds a field "Batch Code" to be used for the User's Production Job Number.
Changes in Version 3.46
- Converted to a improved database driver (DBISAM). The objective in making the change is to improve function, speed and stability.
Changes in Version 3.45
- Added the Electronic Forwarding Instruction message. The messages are sent to BabelBridge where they are translated into the appropriate format for the Shipping Company and sent to the Shipping Company. The BabelBridge system is new and they are starting cautiously. Any EdiSoft users wishing to use this facility should contact the EdiSoft Help Desk
- Added XML format to the Data Transfer system for CRNs, EDNz, RFPs and PRAs. The existing comma-delimited method is still available.
- Update to Ports Table as at 25/6/2005. The codes are obtained from the UN LOCODE website.
- There is now a table for Container Types as used in PRAs and Forwarding Instructions.
- There is now a table for the Dairy Quota Codes. To make data entry simpler for users, EdiSoft now separates this function from the Meat Performance Owner. The message sent to EXDOC has not changed.
- There are changes in this version that significantly effect the Data Transfer and Documentation modules. We recommend that you do a Full Backup before implementing this update.
Changes in Version 3.44
- Added the AutoMail feature to replace the X-400 Auto Dial feature. The functions of AutoMail are explained in the Manual.
- In the Documentation system, the "Create Document record from ECN" is now redundant and has been replaced with "Create Document record from EDN".
- Update to Fish Category Codes as at 4/4/2005.
- Changes made to comply with EXDOC Errata 17. The changes will be available on EXDOC after 29/3/05.
- Grain and Horticulture RFPs can now have only one Consignee.
- New rules for Transport section. Voyage Number is optional for Grain Seafreight RFPs.
- New field "Import Authority Code" for all Commodities.
- Changes to rules for Related Export Permit Number. Changes are not obvious to the user.
Changes in Version 3.43
- New ACOS Commodity table with new codes that will apply on 14/3/2005.
- Added the facility for Status Request where EDN or CRN has not received a reply and the CAN is known.
Changes in Version 3.42
- New ICS Device Type 3 Certificate delivered in this update. This Certificate will need to be re-linked in the EdiSoft Setup on or before 7/2/2005.
- Full list of UN LOCODES delivered in this update. Now that all the authorities involved with EDI for Export are using the UN LOCODE for Ports we have re-instated the Ports Table update and added State to the Ports Table to facilitate selection of Ports where there are multiples in the same country.
- Full list of AHECC codes (as at 1/1/2005) delivered with this update.
Changes in Version 3.41
- Added the facility to save all records from EXIT1 and EXIT2 to CD. These records can be viewed on any computer with a CD drive.
- Added the Prescribed Goods flag that will be optional in ICS from 9/1/2005 and then mandatory at a date to be decided. NOTE: This field has been added to the Data Transfer interface also. If this flag is set to 'Y' then the Excise flag must also be set to 'Y'.
Changes in Version 3.40
- Added "Fisheries Management Australia" to RFP Fish screen.
- Resolved "Lock File Too Large" error.
- Fixed the L/C Text field to send the full 750 characters.
- Blocked the ability to edit empty CRNs and PRAs and have an empty Status.
- The Backup can be directed to a selected destination.
- A field has been added for the ICS User Site ID for testing.
- Additional Validation checking for EDN.
- Changes for the EXDOC Errata 16. This will be implemented in Production on 30/11/2004.
- 3.40.02 cleans up lock files left as a result of the changes in the latest Windows XP update.
- EDN Status in RFP screens has been disabled temporarily because this cannot be obtained for EDNs via SEW at the moment and is being investigated by DAFF.
- 3.40.03 provides for the new ICS Business Rules for EDNs concerning Accompanied Baggage
Changes in Version 3.39
- Changes to file structure in PRA system.
- 3.39d has changes to the Data Transfer function as well as some minor bug fixes.
- 3.39e, 3.39f, 3.39g, 3.39h and 3.39i have fine tuning changes effecting the Customs Integrated Cargo System (ICS) implementation.
- 3.39k overcomes a sharing issue with the device certificate and fine tunes the EDN validation.
- 3.39m has changes to the Goods Owner field to allow Name only for Exempt Codes on CRNs and changes to Vessel Update to allow a "User Defined" type. The User Defined
- Type will not be updated by the "Check" button.
Changes in Version 3.38
- New method for handling Digital Certificates.
- Fixes for issues identified by some users in new the PRA System.
Changes in Version 3.37
- Changes for EXDOC per Errata set 14 have been implemented. These new features will be available in EXDOC on Monday 26th June 2004.
- Update in preparation for the introduction of Customs ICS (CMR) 0n Tuesday 5th October 2004.
- New facility for EDI messaging of PRA's to 1-Stop (P&O Ports and Patricks) and CSX.
- All EdiSoft Valet functions moved into EdiSoft.
Changes in Version 3.36
- Changes for EXDOC per Errata set 13 have been implemented. These new features will be available in EXDOC on Tuesday 17 February 2004.
Changes in Version 3.35
- Changes for EXDOC per Errata set 12 have been implemented. These new features will be available in EXDOC on 28th November 2003.
- Support for new tables for the Customs ICS are now visible in the full Edition. The data entry for the ICS will follow shortly when testing has progressed to a satisfactory stage. This will enable users to get a preview of the issues involved.
- Facility added to Data Entry for RFP's to enable Container details to be imported onto a Line Item from a .csv file.
- A Modulus Check has been added to the entry of RFP's to enable validation of Container Numbers during Data Entry. This feature can be turned ON / OFF in the Setup screen.
- RAS Dialling capability has been added for those users with Dial-Up Connections to the internet. This means that EdiSoft will establish a connection if the user is not connected. This feature can be disabled in the Setup screen.
Changes in Version 3.34
- Changes for EXDOC per Errata set 11 have been implemented.
- Support for new tables for the Customs ICS are now visible in the full Edition. The data entry for the ICS will follow shortly when testing has progressed to a satisfactory stage. This will enable users to get a preview of the issues involved.
- Version 3.34c corrects the tabbing sequence in Process Times. Related Permit Details erratic behaviour has been fixed.
Changes in Version 3.33
- Provided more direct access to the Post Box Setup. See "Setup" in the main menu.
- Added facility to test Internet Connection in the Post Box setup screen.
- Fixed problem with Treatment Text in RFP's.
- Version 3.33b addresses a developing trend on the internet where SMTP servers require more extensive identification. More fields (optional) have been added so that administrators can add the identification if required.
Changes in Version 3.32
- Added more meaningful messages to assist with diagnosis of Internet Setup problems.
- Fixed dependency problem for Rail Wagon / VBS Number in ERA.
Changes in Version 3.31
- Facility to update Country of Origin in Documentation record.
- Added facility to enter a Certificate of Origin Certificate Number.
- Changes to Custom Certificates to allow splitting of Line Items for different Wrap Types.
Changes in Version 3.30
- New "Comments" field on the RFP record that appears on the RFP Details Report.
- The Treatment Text now prints on the RFP Details report.
- New field for "Import Licence Text" added to the Documentation record that will print on Invoice, Forwarding Instruction, Packing List, Weight List and Certificate of Origin.
- New Packages and Weights fields added to the Containers on the Documentation record. These fields print on Forwarding Instructions, Packing List and Weight List.
- L/C Number field on the Documentation record has been extended to 35 characters.
- A proxy server field has been added to the Program Update section for those users who need to use a port other than 8080 for HTTP downloads.
- The Package and Wrap tables used for the different Commodities in RFP's have been combined into two tables. This will simplify the table maintenance for these items and provide the facility to display only those units needed for use in your organisation.